Escrevo diretamente de Presidente Figueiredo cidade que, com um território do tamanho da Holanda, possui mais de 100 cachoeiras dentro da selva amazônica, por isso é conhecido como Terra das Cachoeiras!! Chegamos aqui hoje quase 3 da manhã e fomos direto descansar!!
Nesse exato momento, todos estão fazendo os primeiros passeios por aqui e já adianto: todos estão MUITO ANIMADOS!!
Saudações diretamente Presidente Figueiredo/AM,
Débora Labarrère
Coordenadora de Viagens/Inbounds
Terra Brasil Turismo
Good Afternoon Blog followers!
I am writing now from Presidente Figueiredo, which has an area that is the size of Holland and has over 100 waterfalls in the Amazon jungle, that’s why this town is known as the Land of the Waterfalls! We arrived here nearly 3:00Am and went straight to bed, because everyone was really tired.
This morning, after breakfast, we had our general orientation of the trip, when we introduce the coordination team (including our local guides who will stay with the group most of the time until the end of the trip). We also gave important tips like how to take care of their health and money, and how to enjoy the best that the trip has to offer!
Once I have another chance, I’ll write you telling the news.
Best regards from Presidente Figueiredo, AM.
Débora Labarrère
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